How to become a registered member of the Nigeria Association of Social Workers (NASoW) 

Welcome to the NASoW family.  Join the professional body set to propel social work and fight for social justice and human rights in Nigeria.

Membership spans across the country and can be sought either nationally or locally through the different state chapter representative. Here is how:

Step 1: Find Your Nearest State Chapter Representative

We are the bridge between you and the state ward representative so that you can be a member. Click here for the contact information for your state chapter. In every state, there is an elected representative who can guide us on how to become members and any help required.

Step 2: Contact the State Chapter Representative

After identifying your respective representative from your state, do communicate to him or her over the phone or through email stating your interests of being a member to NASoW. He or she will provide the information you need and the steps for membership application. Please seek information of any membership details, charges, and documentation required to register once a member.

Step 3: Complete the Membership Registration Process

In the second paragraph, the process of registering is therefore outlined step by step. Similarly, the whole registration process will further inform you since following up will involve the state chapter representative. Generally, it will involve completing a certain membership application form, other documents, or fee as stated. Make sure that the information is availed in your best knowledge to be true and that you fulfill any stated criteria for membership by NASoW.

Step 4: Attend Orientation and Induction

After membership, orientation is usually done by their respective State Chapter or, in some cases, the National Office. During an orientation session, you can be introduced to the mission, values, and code of ethic maintained by NASoW; your rights and obligations as a member of NASoW will be discussed in great detail. After the orientation, you will go through induction into membership at NASoW.

Step 5: Engage and Participate NASoW membership promises the participation of all its members in professional development, advocacy, and networking activities. NASoW: Initiative in Nigeria, among other social workers, and staying on top of your game as part of the driving force in the NASoW Chapter in Nigeria. 


Membership to NASoW is just an arm's-stretch away. Membership includes your community of social workers, professional resources, and a voice in the issues affecting the profession’s growth in Nigeria. Please join us, without further delay, by reaching out to representatives in each state.